22 research outputs found


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    Students’ persistence is the ability of students to survive in carrying out the study. In Universitas Terbuka (UT), there are no real dropped out student, but there are considered as non-active or non persistence students. Length of study time among UT’s students can be divided into binary data categories, which are valued as persistence (1) and non persistence (0). Logistic regression analysis is one type of statistical data analysis to be used for binary data. The purposes of writing this article are to identify the factors which influence the length of study time among students of the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics in UT, and to determine appropriate model in order to explain the relationship between the response variables (length of study time) with explanatory variables using logistic regression. The method used in this research is a case study with a number of samples as 2,936 college students. The result of the study shows that the factors influence the length of study time with alpha levels 0.05 are: age, the number of the courses taken, the employment status of the student, the participation in tutorials, the first semester achievement index, and the cumulative grade point

    Modeling of Distance Learners’ Retention Using Mixed-Model on Non-Proportional Hazard

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    Universitas Terbuka is a public university in Indonesia that implements an open-distance education system. The quality and success of higher education in Indonesia are indicated by the gross enrolment rate (GER). Modelling student retention is one indicator of the value of the GER. The chances of distance learners’ retention in a certain period can be determined through survival analysis, namely the “Cox model” or “Cox proportional hazard model”. The limitations of the Cox model pose new problems in modelling that involve more than two types of covariates and the presence of random effects. The problem that arises is the non-proportional hazard. The cause of non-proportional hazard is time-dependent covariates, so that individual risk changes over time. Another reason is the presence of random effects, both observed and unobserved. In this model, there are two random effects, namely, the unobserved random effect and the observed random effect. Thus, the model is called the mixed effect model of non-proportional hazard. Based on the characteristics of the covariates observed, appropriate survival analysis for modelling distance learners’ retention is a mixed model on the non-proportional hazard. The covariates involved in very complex modelling include time-independent covariates, time-dependent covariates, and unobserved random effects. The results of the analysis with the mixed model on non-proportional hazard showed that the covariates that significantly affected the distance learner’s retention were: educational background, age, grade point average, marital status, scholarship, independent learning culture, number of credits taken, and number of courses taken each semester


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    Public Service Mall (PSM) Grha Tiyasain Bogor City is one place that provides services to the public in terms of services. As a public service, Grha Tiyasa should measure whether the services offered to meet consumer expectations. The purpose of writing this paper is to analyze the capability of the process of issuing licensing services and consumer perceptions of services provided by PSMGrha Tiyasa. The process capability analysis criteria used are Pp and Ppk because the data is non-normal distribution. Analysis using Minitab 16.0. The results of the study show that the capability of the service process at the time of issuance of permits has a value of Pp = 1 and Ppk = 0.49. This value indicates that the process capability is excellent. The capability of the process of perception or assessment of consumers of services is quite good. This fact is indicated by the value of Pp = 5.52 and Ppk = 1.70. Mall Pelayanan Publik (MPP) Grha Tiyasadi Kota Bogor merupakan salah satu tempat yang memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Sebagai  pelayan publik, Grha Tiyasa harus mengukur apakah layanan yang ditawarkan memenuhi harapan konsumen. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk menganalisis kapabilitas proses pemberian layanan perizinan dan persepsi konsumen terhadap layanan yang diberikan oleh MPP Grha Tiyasa. Kriteria analisis kapabilitas proses yang digunakan adalah Pp dan Ppk karena data tidak berdistribusi normal. Analisis menggunakan Minitab 16.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapabilitas proses pelayanan pada saat izin diterbitkan memiliki nilai Pp = 1 dan Ppk = 0,49. Nilai ini menunjukkan bahwa kapabilitas proses sangat baik. Kemampuan proses persepsi atau penilaian konsumen terhadap jasa cukup baik. Fakta ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai Pp = 5,52 dan Ppk = 1,70

    Open And Distance Education Systems: Do They Enhance Graduates’ Soft Skills? (The Results From 2009 Universitas Terbuka Tracer Study)

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    The vision and mission of Universitas Terbuka (UT) is to become a highly qualified open and distance education institution and to provide higher education access to all communities. Graduates of UT are expected to acquire adequate knowledge, hard skills, and soft skills. Soft skills play important roles in the world of work. Research has shown that success rates are determined by 80% soft skills and 20% hard skills. The aim of this article is to describe: (1) whether the open and distance education systems are capable of providing graduates with soft skills, (2) how soft skills are acquired during the period of study, and (3) how are the range of soft skills acquired by graduates and required by stakeholders at work. This article uses 2009 UT tracer study which employed survey and in-depth interviews to selected respondents and stakeholders. 2.417 pairs data (graduates and stakeholders) were analysed. The rating scales were from 1 (very poor) to 4 (excellent). The attributes analysed were personal skills, interpersonal skills, and situational skills. The results show that learning systems which are based on individual learning and tutorial did provide graduates with soft skills. Graduates and stakeholders perceived interpersonal skills as fair. In general, job which required soft skills were time management, self confidence, problem solving, creativity and team-work

    Analysis of User Satisfication with Graduates in Statistical Study Program Universitas Terbuka

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    Revolution 4.0 requires the Universitas Terbuka Statistics study program to change the educational curriculum that aims to produce quality graduate competencies. Therefore, to collect informationand evaluate the competence of graduates, it is necessary to conduct tracer study research on each graduate. This study aims to measure user satisfaction with graduate competencies using Gap analysis, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), and a multi-attribute Fishbein model. Based on the value of Gap and Science, the main priority that must be improved by graduates to meet user expectations is the ability to solve problems, generate ideas, and be able to present the results of these ideas in the form of reports/journals. The value of the level of suitability between user satisfaction and the importance of the ability of graduates is very good at 92.87% and a CSI value of 78.25%, which means that overall user satisfaction with graduates is good, besides thatbased on the results of the multi-attribute Fishbein model, an Ao value of 158.20 which means that graduate users have a positive attitude towards the abilities of UT Statistics program graduates

    Development of Website-Based Statistics Learning Videos

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    One source of learning in the learning process is learning materials. In distance education, learning resources prepared for students must be able to be studied independently. The separation of lecturers and students needs to be bridged by learning materials that can be understood by students. A video is a form of learning materials that can be used to help students understand the material. Through videos, students can learn anywhere and anytime according to the time available. In the video, the duration of the material delivery is very significant. Likewise, components such as intro, greeting, and outro greatly support student motivation. The effective video duration in learning website-based statistical data analysis is 10-15 minutes. The component of presenting material that is in great demand by students in the discussion of sample questions and their application using R software


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    Multiple choice tests have been used to measure students learning achievement for most of the courses at Universitas Terbuka (UT). To ensure the quality of the tests, test item analysis based on classical test theory has been employed regularly. This paper aims to analyze multiple-choice items of the End Semester Examination of UT using the program ITEMAN. The data used were the answers sheets of students taking eight courses in the first and second semester of 2009. Courses analyzed in this study were MKDU4111, PEMA4210, MKDU4109, ISIP4215, EKMA4214, ESPA4112, BIOL4110, and BIOL4119. The results showed that the test items used have had a pretty good quality. Average test item difficulties were fair. This was indicated by the mean value of P which ranged from 0.328 to 0.461. Discrimination index for both semester tests were good in about 75% of the courses measured. Its value ranges from 0.304 to 0.451 for the first semester of 2009 tests and 0.343 to 0.382 for the second semester of 2009 tests. Meanwhile, the reliability of the test items could be considered good except for the courses PEMA4210 (first semester 2009) and MKDU4111 (second semester 2009)

    Pendidikan Keluarga Berwawasan Gender Melalui Penyuluhan Pemanfaatan Limbah Pertanian Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Keluarga (Kasus Masyarakat Desa Pengasinan, Gunung Sindur, Bogor)

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    Keberhasilan pembangunan nasional di Indonesia baik yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah, swasta maupun masyarakat tidak saja tergantung pada peran kaum laki-laki, namun juga peran perempuan. Sebagai pelaku dan pemanfaat hasil pembangunan, perempuan dapat berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga secara khusus dan masyarakat secara umum, terlebih apabila hak dan kebutuhannya dipenuhi serta kualitasnya ditingkatkan. Artikel ini akan mengungkapkan tentang pelaksanaan pendidikan keluarga berwawasan gender di Desa Pengasinan, Gunung Sindur, Bogor, melalui kegiatan penyuluhan pemanfaatan limbah pertanian, yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas keluarga. Peserta didik dari kegiatan ini adalah sejumlah 20 pasang suami istri di wilayah setempat, yangd pilih secara purposive oleh pihak pemerintahan desa. Untuk menjaring informasi, disusun instrumen berupa kuesioner tentang karakteristik peserta, serta sejumlah pertanyaan tentang materi penyuluhan yang diisi peserta sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan kegiatan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif, dan disajikan melalui tabulasi silang dan tabulasi frekuensi. Kegiatan dilakukan selama 8 (delapan) kali pertemuan, dengan memberikan berbagai materi yang terkait dengan pemahaman gender, Hak Asasi Manusia dan lifeskill berupa pengetahuan dan praktek pemanfaatan limbah pertanian. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa secara umum terdapat peningkatan pemahaman peserta didik tentang konsep pendidikan keluarga berwawasan gender, pemahaman tentang pendidikan Hak Asasi Manusia dan wawasan dalam memahami life skill. Adapun tingkat kemampuan peserta didik dalam mempraktekkan pembuatan kompos sebagai upaya pemanfaatan limbah pertanian dapat dikatakan cukup memuaskan